261 research outputs found

    A Critical Analysis of the Conformity of Extant Banking and Related Laws with Electronic Banking in Nigeria

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    It is instructive that most of the laws in the Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (LFRN) 2010 are made without giving due regard to the emergence and fast development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the country. This is so because the LFRN 2010 is virtually a replica of the Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN) 2004. This informs the reason why banking laws and those laws related thereto in the LFRN 2010 are not fully e-compliant, save for the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Act and Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) Act which were amended in 2006 and CBN Act further amended in 2007. The laws generally need to be reviewed to incorporate ICT so as not to be isolated in the global trend. The paper analyses the various laws in order that they are made to be e-compliant

    An Appraisal of the Relationship between Banker and Customer in Nigeria

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    The relationship subsisting between banker and customer is basically contractual and fundamentally that of debtor and creditor. It also consists of general and special contracts arising from the particular requirements of the banking business. As such, the relationship existing between banker and customer cannot be exhausted. This is so as new banking services and products are emerging continuously. Therefore, the services rendered or products sold by bank to its customer would always determine what relationship subsists between banker and customer at any point in time. Every type of contractual relationship naturally imposes some rights and duties on the contractual parties; and this fact extends to banking relationship. The relationship exacts a number of obligations on banker and customer as well as corresponding rights on the banker and the customer respectively. In view of this, the paper appraises the relationship that exists between banker and customer, analyzing the rights and duties of banker and customer respectively. It also demonstrates the special relationships that underline a banker – customer interaction. These include bailment, agency, lease, mortgage, trusteeship and executorship. The linkages are in terms of the transactions.

    The mediating effect of organizational commitment and moderating role of strategic implementation in the relationship between high performance work practices and organizational performance

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    Many studies on strategy and strategic human resource management have utilized resource-based view to explain the process through which organizations can gain sustainable competitive advantage and improve their performance. This viewpoint has overlooked the important role of managers in structuring, bundling and leveraging organizational resources to create superior value for owners and customers. However, there is still limited attention to how such role can be utilized to determine the performance of banks in Nigeria. Specifically, the study investigated the mediating role of organizational commitment and the moderating role of strategic implementation on the effect of high-performance work practices on the performance of Nigerian banks. The study employed a cross-sectional design to collect data from 400 participants using mail and personally administered questionnaires. A total of 258 usable questionnaires were retrieved to test five hypotheses. The results of Partial least square structural equation modelling analysis revealed that extensive training and development, recruitment and selection, organizational commitment, and strategic implementation had a direct and significant effect on bank performance in Nigeria. The study did not show a direct effect of job security, empowerment, compensation, and performance appraisal. Furthermore, the study demonstrated an indirect effect of extensive training and development, compensation, recruitment and selection and performance appraisal through the mediating role of organizational commitment. In line with scholarly suggestion for incorporating a moderator in the organizational level relationship between organizational commitment and organizational performance, this study confirmed the moderating role of strategic implementation. The study also contributes to the literature on how resource management model contributes to resource-based view by integrating the role of managers. Finally, the study addresses a call for a reflective-formative assessment of organizational performance as a multifaceted construct, discusses the implications and limitations, and suggests areas for future research

    A Scalable Design Framework for Variability Management in Large-Scale Software Product Lines

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    Variability management is one of the major challenges in software product line adoption, since it needs to be efficiently managed at various levels of the software product line development process (e.g., requirement analysis, design, implementation, etc.). One of the main challenges within variability management is the handling and effective visualization of large-scale (industry-size) models, which in many projects, can reach the order of thousands, along with the dependency relationships that exist among them. These have raised many concerns regarding the scalability of current variability management tools and techniques and their lack of industrial adoption. To address the scalability issues, this work employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods to identify the reasons behind the limited scalability of existing variability management tools and techniques. In addition to producing a comprehensive catalogue of existing tools, the outcome form this stage helped understand the major limitations of existing tools. Based on the findings, a novel approach was created for managing variability that employed two main principles for supporting scalability. First, the separation-of-concerns principle was employed by creating multiple views of variability models to alleviate information overload. Second, hyperbolic trees were used to visualise models (compared to Euclidian space trees traditionally used). The result was an approach that can represent models encompassing hundreds of variability points and complex relationships. These concepts were demonstrated by implementing them in an existing variability management tool and using it to model a real-life product line with over a thousand variability points. Finally, in order to assess the work, an evaluation framework was designed based on various established usability assessment best practices and standards. The framework was then used with several case studies to benchmark the performance of this work against other existing tools


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    This article is attempting to comprehend the effects of Information and Communication Technology in the exercises of Adult and Non-Formal and Education. It diagrams various techniques to confer training by using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) apparatuses, developments, and arising patterns. Simultaneously, this text features the benefits accumulated by the utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in teaching and learning processes. The effect of Information and Communication Technology on all schooling areas raises difficulties for legislatures, educators and learners. There is a more noteworthy interest for and reception of innovation in training in adult and non-formal education. The realization of the potential of ICTs to improve educational practices is a series of pedagogical and practical challenges. This article considers the issues starting with the basic motivation behind instruction and closes by raising a progression of difficulties that instructive foundations should confront in case they are to effectively coordinate ICT into educating and learning rehearses. The inescapable utilization of ICTs for long-lasting learning just as local area strengthening is a huge pattern in realizing in the current century


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    The speedy advancement in internet technology has revolutionized the use of social media platforms as ways of communication globally. This paper examines the proliferations social media sites in the world and its use among the Muslims.  Unlike traditional media, most of internet based means of social interactions are user-generated. It allows the individual to determine the content of the message with or without censorship or regulation. The liberty to open an account with any site of choice and the freedom it entails, lured some Muslims to surf social media without recourse to or in line with the basic tenets of Islamic teachings.  The paper is a qualitative method where In-Depth Interviews were conducted with seasoned social users.  The researchers purposively selected three participants for the study and interview because they are Muslims and possessed the knowledge about the phenomenon investigated. Some of the findings of the study revealed that some Muslims finds it convenient to share or post unsubstantiated religious messages on social media. Similarly, it has paved way for increasing number of untrained social media preachers. This makes it a delicate tool at the disposal of some of Muslim to fan antagonism among Muslim of creeds and sects in Nigeria. The article concludes that social media is a double-edged sword which side-effects as apparent when Muslim user do not resort to the teachings of Islam as the guiding principle when surfing the social media sites. The unfettered user-generated content of social media in 21st century enables the users to operate outside the ambit of the Islamic convention of social interactions


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    The speedy advancement in internet technology has revolutionized the use of social media platforms as ways of communication globally. This paper examines the proliferations social media sites in the world and its use among the Muslims.  Unlike traditional media, most of internet based means of social interactions are user-generated. It allows the individual to determine the content of the message with or without censorship or regulation. The liberty to open an account with any site of choice and the freedom it entails, lured some Muslims to surf social media without recourse to or in line with the basic tenets of Islamic teachings.  The paper is a qualitative method where In-Depth Interviews were conducted with seasoned social users.  The researchers purposively selected three participants for the study and interview because they are Muslims and possessed the knowledge about the phenomenon investigated. Some of the findings of the study revealed that some Muslims finds it convenient to share or post unsubstantiated religious messages on social media. Similarly, it has paved way for increasing number of untrained social media preachers. This makes it a delicate tool at the disposal of some of Muslim to fan antagonism among Muslim of creeds and sects in Nigeria. The article concludes that social media is a double-edged sword which side-effects as apparent when Muslim user do not resort to the teachings of Islam as the guiding principle when surfing the social media sites. The unfettered user-generated content of social media in 21st century enables the users to operate outside the ambit of the Islamic convention of social interactions

    Determination of some haematological parameters in malaria infected subjects in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) Sokoto, Nigeria

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    Since malaria parasites are able to attach to receptors on the red blood cell surface, it is expected that  malaria parasites may have effect on some haematological parameters. Haematological parameters are  often needed to assist in the management of malaria infection. The aim of this study is to assess the  effects of malaria parasites on some haematological parameters in Sokoto Nigeria. To investigate the  effects of malaria infection on red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, 100 malaria positive adults  (15-60 years) attending Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto, Nigeria were enrolled  into the study for a period of seven months; April through October 2009. Malaria parasitaemia was  determined microscopically by stained thick film, packed cell volume (PCV) by microhaematocrit  method, while total white blood cell count (TWBC) and platelet count (PLC) by manual methods. The total  of 100 malaria infected patients and 50 apparently healthy malaria non-infected students were compared against PCV, TWBC and PLC values using student’s t-test. The results of PCV and PLC showed statistically significant decrease among malaria infected patients (p<0.05) while for TWBC there was statistically significant increase (p<0.05) among 18% of malaria infected subjects. When PCV, TWBC and PLC values of males and females infected with malaria parasite were compared, the PCV value showed statistically significant decrease in females (p<0.05), while TWBC and PLC values showed no statistically significant difference between males and females (p>0.05). These findings indicate that malaria infection has an impact on some haematological parameters, therefore, malaria infection in this community contributes to the severity of anaemia and thrombocytopenia.Key words: Malaria infection, packed cell volume (PCV), total white blood cell count (TWBC), platelet count (PLC), anaemia

    Monetary Reward and Teachers’ Performance in Selected Public Secondary Schools in Kano State

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    This is a conceptual study that intends to examine the relationship between monetary reward and teachers’ performance in Some Selected Kano State public secondary schools. Secondary schools are the bridge between primary education and higher institutions in Nigeria. The need for students to acquire more knowledge and skills beyond primary level in Nigeria has become imperative and hence the need for secondary school education. Therefore, teachers performance is of utmost concern since improvement of teachers’ performance can lead to effective performance of students and the education sector at large. The study is going to be quantitative and will adopt survey research design. Cluster sampling technique will be used to obtain responses from the sample of 375 teachers. Regression analysis will be used for Data analysis through SPSS version 17. Keywords: Monetary reward, Performance, Teachers, Motivatio
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